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When it comes to cosmetic dentistry, you only want the best. Finding the best cosmetic dentist in New Hyde Park, you need look no further than Silverstein and Viniciguerra: General, Family, Cosmetic, and Implant Denistry. This well practiced team is dedicated to giving you your most beautiful and confidence boosting smile yet.

Benefits of Cosmetic Dentistry

From treating stained and discolored teeth to repairing chips and closing gaps, cosmetic dentistry has many benefits. Each patient and situation is unique, but there is a cosmetic procedure that can help improve dental health and visibly beautify any smile.

In instances of cracked or chipped teeth, cosmetic dentistry can help protect and strengthen natural teeth, improving dental health overall. Aside from the health benefits, a person’s self-esteem can also be boosted once a smile has been improved through cosmetic dentistry.

The Go To Cosmetic Dentist in New Hyde Park

You have many options when it comes to your dental care, but one option stands out among the rest in the New Hyde Park area. The team at Silverstein and Viniciguerra strive for the best in patient care, cleanliness, and providing a friendly, anxiety free experience every visit. Their level of professionalism provides first-class service at every experience.

Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures

There are a variety of procedures involved in cosmetic dentistry. The staff at Silverstein and Viniciguerra have specialized in the following to maximize the benefits of your cosmetic dentistry treatments.

Crowns – A porcelain crown wraps the whole tooth, covering all surfaces and restoring the tooth its natural appearance. Crowns are ideal for protecting cracked, chipped, or decayed teeth, as they encase the entire remainder of the damaged tooth.

Veneers – Veneers are similar to crowns in that they are also made of porcelain. They differ from crowns in the fact that they are custom-made to match your existing natural teeth, and they also are only a slim cover on the front of the tooth.

CEREC – These are a new type of crown that allows for placement in just one visit. Traditional crowns require at least two visits to finish and require a temporary crown in between. The CEREC crown eliminate the extra time spent on an additional visit.

Philips Zoom Teeth Whitening – Most of us know about teeth whitening and the boost it can give to the self-esteem to remove stains and discolorations. This procedure combines new dental technologies with a gentle bleaching formula to deliver top-notch results.

Whether you’re looking to improve the health of a cracked or decaying tooth or just want improve the overall look of your smile, there’s no better option than to consider cosmetic dentistry. For the best cosmetic dentist in New Hyde Park, it’s best to get in touch with Silverstein and Viniciguerra and schedule your consultation today.
